Improve Your Local (City) Rankings

Citations is a fancy way of saying that your website and search listings are consistent.  And consistency is key when you are counting on Google and Bing to serve up your business. This means, that “Easy Street” is ineffective if your listing is also “Easy St.” everywhere else.  That is just one example, but don’t worry, we are here to help.  Experts agree that website citations account for around 25% of all local ranking factors.

We are a full service boutique agency

Allow about 4-6 weeks for us to complete your citations.
Documentation may be requested as part of the process.

Concerned woman looking at her phone to denote Citation building

The Benefit of Building Citations

No Duplicate Listings

We take NAP consistency, and duplicate entries seriously, and are vigilant in protecting the quality of your citation profile.

The Most Powerful Citations

We concentrate on only the most powerful citations.

Guaranteed Quality

We double check to ensure that your information is entered carefully and accurately.

Quick Turn-around

Expect the final report in about 4 weeks.  That means next month you will already see improvement in your SEO.